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SVB Global oversees SVB Financial Group's international presence and global expansion, as it helps technology companies and VC firms pursue cross-border business. The SVB Global group has teams located in China, India and the U.K. as well as dedicated resources working in Israel ... More
欧华律师事务所是全球第二大法律服务机构,在遍及欧洲、亚洲、中东和美国22 个国家的58个办事处拥有超过3500名律师。我们的律师都接受过当地的执业培训,并且谙熟于所在执业地区的文化和商业惯例。我们与客户长期的、全方位的法律服务关系铸就了我们的品牌,无论客户在哪里开展业务,我们都能满足他们的法律需求... More
IDG 技术创业投资基金 ( 简称 IDGVC) 是第一家进入中国市场的美国风险投资公司。我们不仅向中国高科技领域的创业者们提供风险投资,并且在投资后给他们提供一系列增值服务和强有力的支持。
IDGVC ,原名美国太平洋技术风险投资基金――中国...More

SAIF Partners ("SAIF") is a leading Asian private equity firm based in Hong Kong. SAIF currently manages the SB Asia Infrastructure Fund L.P., a US$404 million fund established in 2001, and the SB Asia Investment Fund II L.P., a US$643 million fund that reached final closing in June 2005 ...More


iD TechVentures Inc. (iDT), formerly known as Acer Technology Ventures Inc., is a leading early and expansion stage tech venture investor in Greater China. iDT started its VC operation in May 2000 with offices in Shanghai and Taipei. Positioning as “Entrepreneurship Partnership”, iDT is in a good position to maximize returns for entrepreneurs and investors.

Since our beginning in San Francisco in 1863, Orrick has dedicated itself to two interdependent goals: serving our clients and building an enduring institution. Today, we have 850 lawyers in 16 offices worldwide working together to pursue these objectives. We are proud of the service we have delivered and the firm we have built, and we are excited about our future. 
 Fenwick & West provides comprehensive legal services to high technology and life sciences clients of national and international prominence. We have over 250 attorneys and offices in Silicon Valley and San Francisco, California. 
Fenwick & West is committed to providing innovative, cost-effective and practical legal services that focus on global high technology industries and issues. We differentiate ourselves by having a deeper understanding of our clients' technologies, industry environments and business needs than is typically expected of lawyers. 

华登国际创立于1987年,是亚太地区最知名的创业投资机构之一。华登国际管理资金逾16亿美元,致力投资于在亚太区有市场潜力的企业,主要集中在通信、软件、互联网、半导体、电子等行业 华登国际在美国和亚洲拥有多位资深的投资专才,他们具有丰富的跨国投资经验,为创业初期的公司提供资金和管理知识,组建管理团队,和介绍环球客户供应商网络,使其迅速成长为一家成功的企业... More

Heller Ehrman is a leader in providing innovative legal services to clients throughout the world. With more than 700 attorneys and professionals in 12 cities nationwide and abroad, we offer the full range of litigation, business and intellectual property capabilities needed to succeed in today's competitive marketplace.



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